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Key Takeaways from the Trucking for Millennials Podcast Episode: Hot Trucker Summer

The Trucking for Millennials podcast recently aired an episode that delved into the concept of "Hot Trucker Summer," focusing on the health and fitness journeys of truck drivers. This episode featured insightful conversations with Michael Lombard and Mark Manera, who shared their experiences and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on the road. Here are three key takeaways from this episode that listeners can expect to benefit from.

1. The Importance of Health and Safety for Truck Drivers

One of the primary themes of this episode is the critical importance of health and safety for truck drivers. Michael Lombard, a former truck driver turned fitness coach, emphasized that maintaining good health is not just about looking good or losing weight; it's about ensuring safety and longevity in the profession.

"If you are married, if you have kids, you're active. It's the same thing as saying it's you might as well tell them to their face. And this sounds harsh, but you might as well be telling them to their face. It's just too hard, honey. It's just too hard for me to do this. And so I'm not going to be able to help you out." - Michael Lombard

Lombard's journey from being a truck driver to becoming a fitness coach at Orange Theory Fitness is a testament to the fact that it is possible to prioritize health even with a demanding job. He shared his personal story of how he managed to stay fit while driving and how this commitment to health has positively impacted his life.

2. Practical Tips for Staying Healthy on the Road

The episode is packed with practical advice for truck drivers who want to stay healthy while on the road. Both Lombard and Manera provided actionable tips that can be easily incorporated into a trucker's daily routine. For instance, Lombard introduced the "Lombard 69" challenge, a realistic fitness program designed specifically for truck drivers.

"The Lombard 69 follows six rules, very similar to 75 hard to where you get a hundred grams of protein every day. Number two, you get 7,000 or more steps a day, and that can be, that's spread out over the day, two liters of water every day. Read 10 pages of a nonfiction book." - Michael Lombard

This program includes achievable daily goals such as consuming 100 grams of protein, getting 7,000 steps, drinking two liters of water, and reading 10 pages of a nonfiction book. These small, consistent actions can lead to significant health improvements over time.

Mark Manera also shared valuable insights on hydration and diet, emphasizing the importance of replacing sugary drinks with water or zero-calorie options. He recounted a story of a driver who significantly improved his health by simply switching from regular Pepsi to diet Pepsi and gradually incorporating more water into his diet.

"All we did was swap him from regular Pepsi to diet Pepsi and then slowly added in some water. That was life-changing. His blood glucose was under control. He started losing weight just from that one change alone." - Mark Manera

3. The Role of Fleet Managers in Promoting Driver Health

Another crucial takeaway from this episode is the role that fleet managers and trucking companies can play in promoting the health and well-being of their drivers. Manera highlighted the importance of implementing health programs that are specifically designed for the trucking industry, rather than generic wellness programs that do not address the unique challenges faced by truck drivers.

"You have to build a program or partner with someone, you know, like Offshift, that can offer a program that understands your business, understands the industry, and also understands your drivers, you know, culturally and the language they speak." - Mark Manera

By offering tailored health programs, companies can help reduce healthcare costs, lower turnover rates, and improve overall job satisfaction among drivers. Manera's company, Offshift, focuses on creating such programs, and he shared success stories of drivers who have turned their health around through these initiatives.

In conclusion, this episode of the Trucking for Millennials podcast provides valuable insights and practical tips for truck drivers and fleet managers alike. By prioritizing health and safety, incorporating small but consistent healthy habits, and implementing industry-specific wellness programs, the trucking community can work towards a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.