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Fuel Price Report 5/25/2021

Sprouting like May flowers. This week’s national average cost of diesel fuel ($3.253/gal) marks the highest national average cost of diesel fuel in 131 weeks ($3.261/gal, Nov 26, 2018). In May alone we have seen fuel rise $.111/gallon of fuel nationally, and have seen the cost of diesel fuel finally surpass $3/gallon in all regions. We have seen fuel shortages in parts of the United States and major conflict in the Middle East. With no end in sight from current administration’s push towards “cleaner” alternative fuel sources, I do not foresee fuel prices decreasing significantly anytime soon. That being said, several regions decreased and remained the same as last week’s prices. The largest increase in fuel cost happened in the State of California (+$.018/gal) and the largest (only) decrease in fuel price happened in the New England region (-$.002/gal).

Nolan Grush, CTB Carrier Relations Specialist